Chronological CV

photo7#2Born: 21.7.1943 in Sutton Coldfield, England

Nationality: British

Public school:
16.9.1954 – 30.6.1961
GCE ‘Advanced’/‘Scholarship’ Levels in
English (A), French (S) and German (S):

King Edward’s School, Birmingham, England
(1959 School Prize for English; 1961 School Prize for German)

1.10.1962 – 30.6.1965
Degree in Law:
Christ Church, Oxford, England

13.9.1965 – 31.7.1970
Apprenticeship as a banker:
Barclays Bank D.C.O.: London, Malta, Paris, Algiers, Accra

1.8.1970 – 31.3.1972
Investment Management:
DWS, Frankfurt am Main

1.4.1972 – 31.12.1972
Investment Advisory:
Dresdner Bank AG, Frankfurt-am-Main

2.1.1973 – 30.6.1974
W.I. Carr, Sons & Co., London, England

16.9.1974 – 29.10.1976
Chase-NBA Group Ltd., Melbourne, Australia

14.2.1977 – 30.11.1977
IT systems engineer:
IBM Australia Ltd., Melbourne

1.3.1978 – 31.8.1986
Managing Director: D+S Computersysteme GmbH, Oldenburg i.O.

1.9.1986 – 30.9.1992
Managing Director: Head Office Computersysteme, Harburg (from 1990 also near Schwerin)

from October 1992 freelancing, among others for:
StB/WP Axel Kosanke, Hamburg
Deloitte, Hamburg

June 2000: Publicly appointed and sworn translator for the English language (Regional Court, Schwerin)

December 2000: Certified accountant (Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Schwerin)

January 2001: Financial translator for the English language (Chamber of Commerce, Hamburg)

since 2001: Member of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ), former Treasurer of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Chapter

January 2006: Moved to southwest France